An eventfull start of the year

It's catching up time with Buttermine Blog.
The start of 2007 was mainly occupied with taking a crash course of the landlord and tenant act of Ontario. Our tenant decided that there was no more need to pay rent and be as miserable as possible and hopefully stay rent free for the rest of the lease. Thank goodness, as much rights tenants have in the Act, not paying your rent is not one of them. With all the paperwork in place the Landlord and Tenants Judicial Tribunal's verdict was in our favour and the tenant packed his Uhaul in the middle of a snowstorm and disappeared to the East coast.
The start of 2007 was mainly occupied with taking a crash course of the landlord and tenant act of Ontario. Our tenant decided that there was no more need to pay rent and be as miserable as possible and hopefully stay rent free for the rest of the lease. Thank goodness, as much rights tenants have in the Act, not paying your rent is not one of them. With all the paperwork in place the Landlord and Tenants Judicial Tribunal's verdict was in our favour and the tenant packed his Uhaul in the middle of a snowstorm and disappeared to the East coast.

Throughout the winter,the barn up for demolition at the Lilley Farm was being picked over for lumber by Ab and Chris, on the last bid to salvage some old solid wooden beams from the hayfloor, Chris lost his balance and fell appr. 20ft down and broke both heelbones in a very bad way.
After a week of hospital and a week at home he underwent surgery to his right foot and has been home in a wheelchair ever since. Thank goodness for Gerbrich, family, friends, neighbours, and business contacts that have kept up his spirits with,visits ,calls, cards, emails, giftbaskets ect.
He is pretty adept with his wheels and most weekends he is out with his friends. Chris cooks us breakfast and is doing the bookkeeping, he has his mainfloor "bedroom" (computerroom) and has the run of the house with his wheels. With the weather improving he is out in the driveshed fixing the machinery and in his spare time he is becoming quite the Guitar Hero.
Healing will take it's time and he is looking forward to start walking on crutches in his airboot casts the first of May. He is swimming at a pool in Woodstock and is get in shape for living tall again.!
After a week of hospital and a week at home he underwent surgery to his right foot and has been home in a wheelchair ever since. Thank goodness for Gerbrich, family, friends, neighbours, and business contacts that have kept up his spirits with,visits ,calls, cards, emails, giftbaskets ect.
He is pretty adept with his wheels and most weekends he is out with his friends. Chris cooks us breakfast and is doing the bookkeeping, he has his mainfloor "bedroom" (computerroom) and has the run of the house with his wheels. With the weather improving he is out in the driveshed fixing the machinery and in his spare time he is becoming quite the Guitar Hero.
Healing will take it's time and he is looking forward to start walking on crutches in his airboot casts the first of May. He is swimming at a pool in Woodstock and is get in shape for living tall again.!

Labels: demolition, Lilley Farm
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