Barn cleaning

Yes... the flies are almost gone from the barn....time to pick up the pressure washer and give the interior of the barn a hose down.
The weather was warm, so getting soaked was not a problem for Chris!
It cleans up so well. It's white and bright with all the dust and fly droppings gone.
The cows are curious and hang around the tractor getting wet.
The barn office got the same treatment but without the pressure washer! The pens are clean and we are ready for winter.
The weather has been very wet, it rained and stormed and dropped over 8 cm of water last week. The fields are wet and the manure storage is getting full ..... We have a couple of days of sun on the way. Farmers will be happy to get to the crops on the field,edible beans and soya beans, are getting pretty wet feet at the moment.
With the barn clean..... time to focus on the house and getting ready for Thanksgiving.
Turkey and the trimmings.... Hmmmm the house will smell so good.
Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving.
Hey cleaney! Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Have some turkey and beans for me!!!
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