Nice you came to visit ...I'll give you a tour of my garden and send you some flowers to keep!
The colours are vibrant. The smell is sweet.

Leuk dat jullie even komen kijken...... kom mee.. gaan we de tuin door..... en geef ik je bloemen mee!
De kleuren zijn intens en de geur is zoet......

Double Click on a picture and then click again on the icon in the right bottom corner and the picture will expand to regular size.

dubbel klik een foto aan ... dan weer rechts onder aanklikken op de pijltjes om de foto tot normale grote te maken.

The Canadian summers are never long enough...for those who like to play in the dirt!

De Canadese zomers zijn altijd te kort.....voor ons bloempjes genieters! Hoe staat jullie tuin erbij?..laat ook eens zien!
Beautious pics, Mrs Vandenberg!!!
Wow! We don't have anything that colourful in Fish-land!!!
Thank goodness its soo....Albert would have a fright just seeing the huge creepy crawlies,slimy, slithery edibles! Hhbbrrrr....any taste to them when they down Brent..?
Have you done the "wrap around the stick" already?
Enjoy Seoul..
Perdy! No live fishie eating yet... although he definitly had his chance once or twice.. We'll let you know if that momentous event ever happens!
Off to Seoul today.. yippoo!
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