
Monday we had to bring it in. Worried it would spoil and the cows would turn up their noses for it! Yes, the ladies in the barn know how they like their haylage! With a 2004 Grand Forage Master of Brant County as Boss, they are connoisseurs!
Happy to tell you they are satisfied and showing good appetite....and milk in the tank! The harvester started at 3.30 pm and was done 9.00 pm..... it was a tasty beer with the crew afterwards.

link from Korea around that time and wanted to see Chris to make sure he was keeping busy too!

You girls know how dusty that haylage is around the silo when blowing up the pipe. The pictures tell the story .
The next day it was leveling off the haylage in the silo up top. A dirty, extremely hot and dangerous with the possibility of silo gas , we are always well prepared before going in.
Job done and coming down the chute, it is rest time and you need to drink extra fluids.
With protective clothing and face mask on,you sweat buckets!.

Ab still likes to climb up silo's but Chris is more inclined to bunkersilos.
This leveling off is done after each fill about 4 or 5 times a year. This time the silo was at 55 feet filled by the end of the season( September) it is up to 80 feet full. A top unloader throws the feed down through the chute to the mixer seen behind Ab en Chris.
Hup! Holland Hup! towards the Cup!
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