Spring cleaning......those pesky field stones!
A familiar view for some .... Its a never ending quest to rid the field of stones......after each winter we have these things popping up in abundance!
After eleven days of wet and cold weather( An early morning frost did damage the corn) we took the buckets out..Mom on the tractor and the boys picking. Duke came along for the day and walked along with us.
We did the Home farm and the Lilley farm and were tuckered out after a day in the sun and wind.
Duke was looking for a nice soft spot in the alfalfa field to rest and keep an eye on us, he is getting a bit on in years!.........Although he did sneak out last night to go muskrat hunting and came home muddy and tired. While on the tractor , I did a lot of thinking ..............about mechanical stone removal ...............Of course we can start notill too and just leave the darn things!
We start haylage tomorrow, the 29th at Jisk's later in the week we will make a go of it at home. The weather this weekend has been exceptionally warm and humid with more on the way. Flip, Duke and Chris says Hi!
Wow! Awesome blogging Momma Vandenberg! If it wasn't for those ugla pictures of Chris, that would have been a masterpiece!
Great hearing and seeing what's going on! Keep on typing! You are unreal!
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