Farm Chat

The last weeks have been filled with harvesting the high moisture corn , manure spreading , plowing and the regular chores in the barn. We had some calvings and every time .. Chris pulls a heifercalf ....Dad pulls only the bullcalfs!
We are saying that.....when Chris gets his heifer calf's he is looking after his future herd.... and Albert just wants some spending money. Bull calfs are going for $1.50 a pound....... Albert better stays clear of the calving pens.
We did have triplets heifercalfs the middle of September, this is pretty rare to have triplets and then all heifers yet.! Unfortunately the smallest one did not make it through the first week.
Janine and friends dropped in for Halloween, as always Ed and Brenda with the kids came too and give their greetings.
The last weekend of Oct. we had a new experience . Old country Italians were at Joe's farm hunting pigeon around their silo's but the darn birds kept escaping to our silo's so they set up their hunting camp at our farm too......they got some birds and left us with a bottle of wine and biscotties! They were going home happy and have the wifes make pigeon soup.!!
They came all the way from Toronto.....Lots of pigeons there but no hunting allowed.! Next time they would bring the best Lazagna ever.......No pigeon lazagna please.